Are you over 60 years old or over with 20 years continuous membership of Enniscorthy Golf Club?
Check out Loyalty Bonus Scheme motions that were passed at AGM on 10th Jan 2016.
If you think you are eligible contact the office on 053 9233191.
Loyalty Bonus Scheme Motion 1
That Enniscorthy Golf Club introduce a new member loyalty bonus scheme for members with 20 years continuous service in a full membership category and have reached the age of 60.
The discount offered will be 5% of the membership subscription. This discount will not apply to any levies associated with the member categories. Only 1 discount will apply to any membership category and this discount will remain in place until the member reaches the national retirement age. This discount will not affect any discounts presently in place.
Proposed by: Tommy Cooper
Seconded by: John Casey
Loyalty Bonus Scheme Motion 2
That Enniscorthy Golf Club introduce a new member loyalty bonus scheme for members with 20 years continuous service in a full membership category and have reached the national retirement age.
The discount offered will be 25% of the membership subscription. This discount will not apply to any levies associated with the member categories. Only 1 discount will apply to any membership category and this discount will remain in place for the duration of membership. This discount will not affect any discounts presently in place.
Proposed by: Liam Dunbar
Seconded by: Jack Murphy