The Annual General Meeting of Enniscorthy Golf Club will take place on Sunday 14th January 2018 at 3p.m. in the clubhouse.
It will be preceded by the Men’s Golf committee A.G.M. which will be held at 2.15 p.m.
1. Apologies
2. Adoption of standing orders.
3. Presidents address.
4. Minutes of last A.G.M.
5. Matters arising.
6. Captains address.
7. Treasurers report.
8. Motions.
9. C.G.I. report.
10. Election of Officers and Committee.
11. Any other business.
Motions for AGM must be with the secretary in writing 14 clear days prior to the date of the AGM (30th December 2017). Motions must be duly proposed and seconded by fully paid up members.
Amendments to motions for AGM must be sent to the Secretary in writing to arrive not later than 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 7th January 2018.
All nominations for committee must be sent to the Secretary in writing to arrive not later than 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 7th January.
All notifications relating to the Annual General Meetings for 2018 will be communicated to members by electronic means. Copies will also be made available for collection from the club office.
Christy O’Connor
Acting Honorary Secretary